Detailed Guide to Running Facebook Ads from A to Z

Cần có fanpage để chạy quảng cáo Facebook

Need a fanpage to run Facebook ads

Understanding the 3 popular types of Facebook ads:

– Basic Ads

Basic Facebook ads typically appear in the upper right corner of the desktop interface or under the “Add” section on the mobile interface. This type of ad has a small frame, including a headline (up to 25 characters), a description line (90 characters), and a cover image (100×72 pixels).

Businesses often choose basic ads to showcase product images to attract clicks to their Landing Page. Therefore, the images selected for advertising are usually very eye-catching and appealing.

Minh họa của quảng cáo cơ bản

Illustration of Basic Ads

– Sponsored Ads

Sponsored ads can appear in a small corner like basic ads but can also appear as a post in the Facebook news feed. This type of ad is similar to a fanpage post but is shown to more accounts by Facebook. To differentiate, the post will have the label “Sponsored”.

Hình ảnh quảng cáo được tài trợ

Sponsored Ad Image

– Suggested Ads

As the name suggests, these ads are recommendations from Facebook and only appear in the viewer’s news feed. Typically, when you like a fanpage or watch a video on Facebook Watch, Facebook will suggest similar channels for you to follow. Suggested Facebook ads work on the same principle, but you pay Facebook to recommend your page to more people.

Hình ảnh minh họa quảng cáo đề xuất

Suggested Ad Illustration

Further Reading:

  • Share tips on how to run effective Facebook ads for you.

Detailed guide to running Facebook ads through 6 steps:

– Creating an Ad Campaign

To start running Facebook ads, go to the post you want to advertise > Click the “Promote Post” button.

Alternatively, you can go to FACEBOOK for Business > Create Ad.

Nhấn nút Quảng cáo bài viết tại bài viết muốn quảng cáo

Click the ‘Promote Post’ button on the post you want to advertise

– Choose a Marketing Objective

In the Ads Manager, select your marketing objective, such as increasing messages, page likes, or leads. Choose the option that aligns with your ad campaign goals.

Chọn mục tiêu quảng cáo phù hợp

Select the appropriate advertising objective

– Set Up Your Account

Next, scroll down and click on ‘Ad Account Setup.’

Here, you’ll set up three items: Account Country, Currency, and Time Zone > Click ‘Continue‘ to move on to the next step.

Thiết lập tài khoản quảng cáo và điền thông minh

Set up your ad account and fill in the details

– Define Your Target Audience

In the ‘Audience’ section, target your Facebook ad audience. To run Facebook ads, define your target audience based on criteria such as location, age, size, etc.

Xác định đối tượng mục tiêu phù hợp cho quảng cáo

Define the appropriate target audience for your ads

– Choose Ad Placement

You can choose between 2 ad placement options:

+ Automatic Placement: Facebook automatically places your ads where they are most likely to reach your target audience.

+ Edit Placement: You manually adjust the ad placement, which can involve disabling certain placements you deem less effective to reduce ad costs.

Lựa chọn những vị trí quảng cáo Facebook mong muốn

Select desired Facebook ad placements

– Set Your Ad Budget

There are 2 budget options you can choose from:

+ Daily Budget: Set the amount you want to spend on ads each day. Facebook will distribute this budget, which may vary from day to day but will adhere to your set budget.

You can run Facebook ads with an unlimited daily budget or set a specific time period under the ‘Schedule’ section.

+ Lifetime Budget: Set a total budget for an ad campaign, and you can customize the campaign’s duration and start/end dates.

Chạy quảng cáo Facebook theo ngân sách hàng ngày

Run Facebook ads with a daily budget

Further Reading:

  • Guide to running effective free Facebook ads in 2021

– Preview Your Ad

After completing the above steps, choose the fanpage and post you want to advertise on Facebook (if you’ve already done this from the start, you don’t need to select again).

Finally, click ‘Preview Ad’ to review your ad’s appearance on both desktop and mobile devices. Then proceed to payment.

Xem lại giao diện quảng cáo trên Facebook

Review the Ad Interface on Facebook

Guide to Enabling/Disabling or Deleting Facebook Ads

– How to Enable/Disable Facebook Ads

To enable or disable Facebook ads, go to the Ads Manager on the Facebook desktop interface.

Vào Trình quản lý quảng cáo

Go to Ads Manager

Here, click the slider next to the campaign name to enable or disable it.

Nhấn vào thanh trượt để bật hoặc tắt chiến dịch

Click the slider to enable or disable the campaign

– How to Delete Facebook Ads

To delete Facebook ads, go to the Ads Manager on the Facebook desktop interface.

Vào Trình quản lý quảng cáo

Go to Ads Manager on Facebook

Here, check the box next to the ad you want to delete > More > Delete.

Xóa quảng cáo Facebook

Delete Facebook Ad

Tips for Running Effective Facebook Ads

To run effective Facebook ads, meaning your budget is reasonable and achieves the campaign’s goals, you should pay attention to the following points:

– Create a clear and detailed ad campaign.

– Accurately identify the target audience for the ad.

– Choose the right post that aligns with the campaign’s focus.

– Create engaging ad content with attractive, high-quality images.

Tạo content hấp dẫn cho quảng cáo Facebook

Create engaging content for Facebook ads

– Break down the budget daily to improve ad effectiveness.

– Regularly monitor and measure ad performance and adjust as needed.

– If the budget is limited, run ads during the “golden hours” and place ads in the most promising positions.

Further Reading:

  • Share tips on running effective Facebook ads for you

Answering Some Frequently Asked Questions

– What are the golden hours for running Facebook ads?

Answer: The golden hours for ads depend on the browsing behavior of your target audience. However, the general time frame recommended by experts for effective Facebook ads is from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM.

Khung giờ vàng chạy quảng cáo Facebook

Golden Hours for Running Facebook Ads

– Can I Run Ads by Myself?

Answer: You can absolutely run ads by yourself, but to avoid wasting money, you need to thoroughly understand and master all the techniques and strategies related to Facebook Ads. You can self-learn and enhance your knowledge by searching for online resources, joining social media communities, taking online courses, or attending reputable Facebook Ads training centers.

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